
Notable Lutheran Artist

There have been several famous Lutheran artists throughout history. Here are four notable ones:

Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553): Lucas Cranach was a German painter and printmaker who was a close associate of Martin Luther. He is known for his portraits of Luther and other figures of the Protestant Reformation. He also created numerous religious paintings and woodcuts with Lutheran themes. Here is a introduction to his life and work.

Martin and Katarina Luther, portrait by Lucas Cranach the Elder

Altarpiece in the Weimar parish church St. Peter and Paul

Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528): Albrecht Dürer was a renowned German painter, printmaker, and mathematician. While he was not exclusively a Lutheran artist, he lived during the time of the Reformation and produced works that reflected his Lutheran faith. Learn more about him and his work here.

The Resurrection, from "The Large Passion"

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Bach, a famous composer and musician, was a devout Lutheran. Much of his music, including his choral and organ compositions, was composed for Lutheran church services. Listen to Bach’s beautiful setting of the Lutheran Mass here.

Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840): Friedrich was a German Romantic landscape painter, and his works often contain religious and spiritual themes. He was influenced by Lutheran pietism and his faith is evident in many of his paintings.

The Wanderer

Cross and Cathedral in the Mountains, 1812

Albrecht Durer and the Reformation of the Church

The follow article written by Pr. Matthew Ballmann was first published in the Lutheran Ambassador in 2015. I am republishing on this 506th anniversary of the Reformation.

As we celebrate the 498th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and remember the individuals used by God to bring it about, we also do well to remember the individuals who were impacted by and served as key supporters of it. The German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer was such a man. While some in the American church may know Dürer or his art, chances are he is nothing more than a strange name you just read for the first time. Allow me the privilege to introduce you to this incredibly gifted man who was a key recipient and supporter of the Reformation. 

Albrecht Durer, The Man

Albrecht Dürer was born in 1471 to Albrecht and Barbara Dürer. He was the eldest son and third of eighteen children, fifteen of which would die at a young age. His father was a Hungarian immigrant who moved to the city of Nuremberg, Germany where he worked as a goldsmith. When Durer the Younger was only thirteen, he became an apprentice to his father in Nuremberg to learn how to be a goldsmith. After only two years of apprenticing, and to the displeasure but support of his father, Albrecht left to do what he really wanted to do - paint. 

After leaving his father’s tutelage he went on to apprentice for three years under the painter and printmaker Michael Wolgemut (1434-1519) also in Nuremberg. Wolgemut was the first German painter to design woodcuts as illustrations for the newly developed printed book. It was under Wolgemut that Durer learned the art of woodcut, a skill that would play a crucial role in his career and influence upon the world. After three years under Wolgemut, he went on for an additional two years as a journeyman in which he traveled to Basel, Switzerland. Upon his return to Nuremberg in 1494, Dürer married Agnes Frey in an arranged marriage. They would have no children together.

What was Durer’s relationship to the Protestant Reformation?

While we have no record of him formally renouncing Roman Catholicism, his Protestant sympathies are evident in much of his art and letters. He evidently had suffered some level of judgment for these sympathies when he wrote the following in 1524, “because of our Christian faith we have to stand in scorn and danger, for we are reviled and called heretics.” It was especially the teaching that began the Protestant Reformation, that is the forgiveness of sins by grace, through faith, in Christ, that so powerfully influenced Durer and his work. Interestingly, it was the preaching of Johan von Staupitz, Luther’s mentor and Vicar General of the German Congregation of Augustinians, that first moved Durer to embrace the rediscovered evangelical theology. 

It was not just Staupitz that influenced Durer, but Luther too had a significance influence on his thinking. When Friedrich the Wise sent Dürer one of Luther's books in 1520, Dürer wrote the following to the Elector's secretary, “I pray Your Honor to convey my humble gratitude to His Electoral grace, and beg him humbly that he will protect the praiseworthy Dr. Martin Luther for the sake of Christian truth. It matters more than all the riches and power of this world, for with time everything passes away; only the truth is eternal.” It was Luther who helped Dürer find release from his spiritual distress through the preaching of the forgiveness of sins through Christ’s death and resurrection.  

Dürer spent the majority of his life living in Nuremburg creating and selling art. Whether it woodcuts, engravings, paintings, or drawings, his work captured the attention and imagination of his contemporary artist and culture at large. When Luther heard of his death 1528, he wrote, “It is natural and right to weep for so excellent a man.” Today Dürer remains among the most admired artists in the history of German art. 

Famous Works 

As many of the great artist of his day, Dürer had a wide spectrum of skills. He created alter pieces for churches, portraits of both religious and political leaders, and engravings and woodcuts for printed material. To get an idea of the volume he created, today we have about a hundred of his paintings, some one hundred engravings, and roughly two hundred woodcuts. In addition, we have over 1,200 drawings, sketches, and watercolors. From these he was most known and renowned for graphic works. These were created from woodcuts or engravings. Artists across Europe admired and copied Durer’s innovative and powerful prints, ranging from religious and mythological scenes, to maps and exotics animals. The vast majority of his works have biblical images as their objects.

Dürer's earliest major work, The Apocalypse, was a series of large prints illustrating the book of Revelation, with the Scripture on the reverse side. Dürer's large illustrations were detailed and full of energy. His Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse has never been surpassed. 

He followed The Apocalypse with a series of seventeen cuts entitled The Life of the Virgin and a large and small series on the Passion of Christ. These illustrations were designed to be used especially by teachers and clergy, but in a day before widespread literacy, could also be important devotional tools for Christian laymen. The Passion of Christ woodcuts are especially powerful in their communication of the suffering of our Savior. 

Other famous works include Knight, Death, and Devil in which he portrays a knight in battle armor, pike in hand, riding down a dangerous road located in a valley. On either side of the knight there are two hideous looking creatures. One is holding an hourglass in his hand representing the inevitability of death (common in many of Durer’s works) and the other creature, resembling a goat, is holding a pike in its hand as if looking for a chance to knock the knight off his horse. The valley of course represents the valley of the shadow of death and the trials of life. Off in the distance there is a large and magnificent castle, the destination of every Christian, heaven. 

Another of his most well known works is St. Jerome in His Study. Portraying an elderly Jerome sitting in a room with streams of sun rays coming through the windows. Besides the seated saint are books, timepieces, writings, and many other object, all of which carry some symbolic meaning. One such symbol in the room is a human skull, which was meant to serve as a reminder to Jerome of the inevitability of death (memento mori). If you follow Jerome’s line of eye site to the skull there stands a cross of the crucified Savior, reminding him that death has been defeated through Christ Jesus.  

Durer’s final great work, a painting, The Four Holy Men - Sts. John, Peter, Mark and Paul, was presented to the Nuremberg City Council as a gift. Below the painting Dürer attached a short message which spoke to the danger of the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching and at the same time affirmed the Protestant commitment to the authority of Scripture, “All worldly rulers in these dangerous times should give good heed that they receive not human misguidance for the Word of God, for God will have nothing added to His Word nor taken away from it. Hear therefore these four excellent men, Peter, John, Paul, and Mark and their warning." 

While there is an extraordinary number other powerful pieces we could consider, suffice it to say that Albrecht Durer was a man who was an extremely gifted artist, believed in the good news of forgiveness of sins through Christ by grace through faith, and used his gifts for the proclamation of God’s Word and the glory of God. 

For more on Durer’s life and work. And here.

Celebrating the Resurrection

Celebrating comes naturally to us; just think back to the Christmas season, and all the time you spent preparing special foods, selecting and wrapping gifts, listening to festive seasonal music, gathering with loved ones, and maybe attending parties, concerts and worship services dedicated to the season of Christmas.

Christmas is worth celebrating. And Easter is even MORE worth celebrating! The resurrection of Christ, the defeat of death and the devil; this event is the centerpoint celebration of our faith.

So how can we approach Easter with preparation, so that we can celebrate well? 

Plan ahead for your Easter morning/day celebrations.

1) Set the scene. 

-Gather (or purchase) your Easter decor, perhaps a "He is Risen" piece of art. Check out Hobby Lobby or Etsy for some great options! Set it out right before you go to bed the night before Easter morning.

-A couple of days before Easter, purchase some beautiful spring flowers. Hide them in your garage and pull them out to place around the house the night before so they are ready for Easter morning.

-Turn on some celebratory music as soon as the sun rises on Sunday. Waiting for Easter morning to play resurrection songs adds to the anticipation! Here is a suggested playlist.

2) Add some fun and feasting.

-Everyone loves Easter baskets, even adults! Create simple Easter baskets for the loved ones in your life, and include some Christ-centered items, such as large chocolate crosses (purchase at Hobby Lobby or on Amazon), a Scripture coloring book, or a book to encourage the recipient in their faith. For kids, we love the Tales that Tell the Truth series, Baby Believer Primer board books, and missionary/heroes of the faith biographies!

-Choose some special foods to make ahead or the morning of Easter. Hot cross buns are a traditional choice, though you could also make these for Good Friday!

-Think about something unique to you and your family that you'd like to include that will help add to the celebration of the day. Cascarones, anyone? :) 

3) Incorporate optional experiential activities leading up to Easter, especially if you have kids at your house! Some ideas:

Resurrection garden. We will be making these at our Stations of the Cross at Trinity this year! 

Empty tomb marshmallow rolls activity

Wishing you a season full of celebrating the resurrection of our Savior!

Seven Gifts of the Historic Liturgy

1. Liturgy tells a story - Liturgy is a re-enactment of the divine drama. It reminds us of the redemptive story of God and invites us to find our place within His narrative of redemption. By living into the divine story, it frees us from having to create our own story from our limited perspective and experience and from being slaves to the story our respective cultures are stuck in. The liturgy jars us from the liturgy of this world and tells us of God’s kingdom which we have been made apart of as Christians.  

2. Liturgy frees us from ourselves - Liturgy helps us relinquish our desires to serve ourselves and invites us to surrender by selflessly serving God and others. How? By immersing our lives in God-centered worship on a regular basis. Liturgy is formative, retelling a story again and again that is holistically God-centered. It inoculates us from a man-centered experience of worship. Liturgy is designed to free us from the worship of self in order to focus our hearts on the Triune God.

3. Liturgy forms us - As we come together week after week, we are slowly formed by the words, prayers, and sacred rhythms of the liturgy. The beauty of these rhythms is that they form us passively, almost without our knowledge. This formation is not contingent upon our mood or temperament when we enter the service. Simply by agreeing to participate and join with the existing structure and rhythms, liturgy has the power to change us. The church has always recognized that formation takes place both communally and individually, and how we pray and worship corporately influences how we pray and worship individually.


4. Liturgy sanctifies time - Liturgy sanctifies our time. What does this mean? Most of us live our lives according to a secular calendar and work week, but liturgy reminds us that we belong to another timed place - the kingdom of God. Liturgy brings order and rhythm to our lives through the patterns of the liturgical year (sometimes referred to as the Christian calendar or church calendar). In submitting to these seasons, we acknowledge God’s lordship in both the high and the low times of our lives. 

5. Liturgy is Biblical - The historic liturgy is saturated with Scripture. One is hard pressed to find language in the historic liturgy that isn’t found in the Holy Scriptures. God has spoken to us in His Word and the Church uses His words to speak back to Him. We listen to His Word, respond with His Word, pray His Word, sing His Word, and eat His Word flesh.

6. Liturgy is participatory - Deep down we don’t want to be entertained but rather we long to participate. The historic liturgy invites us to stand, sit, kneel, respond in prayer and singing, to cross ourselves, and engage our hearts and minds. Unless the whole congregation participates the service doesn’t happen, it’s a whole church endeavor not just a few professionals. But not only does it engage adults, but children of all ages are growing up learning to pray the Lord’s Prayer, confess their sin, and declare their faith in Jesus Christ. There is no sitting on the sidelines in liturgical worship.


7. The Liturgy points us to Christ - When people decide to get married they often spend months planning and preparing every detail of their wedding. From what color flowers, to who’s bringing food, who’s in the wedding, and even what gifts to get the wedding party - it’s all thoughtfully prepared. The historic liturgy is like a weekly wedding service where the Bride of Christ comes to encounter and be enraptured by the Grooms love for her. They talk and listen, sing and pray, eat and praise. It’s all been thoughtfully prepared and planned in order to make it beautiful and most importantly focused on Christ Jesus. The historic liturgy is radically Christ focused.

How to Regularly Spend More Time in God's Word

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There are many great reading plans out there - everything from reading through the Bible in a year to reading five minutes a day. When it comes to reading the Bible, it’s helpful to understand three really important points.

First, Scripture is God’s Word to you. It is how the Creator of the universe and King of Kings speaks to you. It is where He declares His love, grace, and mercy and how He guides and matures you in your faith. What an amazing miraculous gift!

Second, reading Scripture is hard work. You read that right. It’s hard work. It takes time, commitment, mental and spiritual focus. For this reason, many of us make excuses, feel guilt for not doing it, or just don’t do it at all. It’s like receiving a letter from someone that loves you dearly and never taking the time to open it. With that said, there are a few easy habits that will make it so much easier for you to be consistent in God’s Word (more on that below).

Third, more important than the quantity of what you read is the quality and regularity. Better to read 5 minutes, 5 days a week, then 25 minutes 1 day a week.

To recap, it’s God’s Word to you, it’s hard work, and it requires consistency. If you understand those three things first, then the following practical suggestions will help you tremendously in spending more time reading the Bible.

practical suggestions:

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  1. Place - Find a quiet place to sit where you won’t be interrupted for the next 10 minutes and then shut your phone off (no, really!).

  2. Prepare - Take a deep breath, still your heart and mind, ask God to open your heart and enlighten your eyes to understand His Word.

  3. Read - Read one chapter of whatever book you are reading and one chapter from the Psalms (If you are just starting out reading the Bible, keep it simple and just read the one chapter). Here is a bookmark guide we hand out at Trinity. Don’t try to get all fancy, keep it simple, less is more. Commit to just 10 minutes a day, five days a week to the bookmark plan (updated every month).

  4. Journal - Read with a journal and pen in your hand and jot down any thoughts or questions that come to mind as you are reading. This is a really important step to help you actually process what you are reading.

  5. Prayer - End your time by praying one verse from what you read. For example, Psalm 5:8 says, “Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me.” Pray something like this: “Lord, lead me you in your righteousness, guide me in your ways. Keep me from following the lies of Satan and the temptations of this world. Keep my heart and mind focused on You as I go about my day. Amen.”

  6. Share - Consider sharing with someone else one thing that God taught you or reminded you from you time in His Word.

  7. Ask - If you have questions about what you’re reading, reach out to Pastor Matt, he would love to answer your questions!

May the Lord richly bless you through His Word, strengthen you in the faith, and fill you with His love, peace, and joy!

Check out the previous blog post on this topic: Five reasons I don’t read my Bible and Eight really good reasons I should.

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Why I don't read my Bible and really good reasons I should

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What keeps you from reading God’s Word on a daily basis?

Before reading any further, jot down those reasons on a piece of paper and let’s see how you compare to the five most common reasons people give for not reading their Bible.

Five of the most common reasons people give for not reading the Bible on a regular basis

Kristen Feola shares the following reasons:

Excuse 1: “I don’t have time.” Truth: We’re all given twenty-four hours in each day. You do have time.

Excuse 2: “It’s boring.” Truth: The Bible is anything but boring! It contains stories of miraculous healings, supernatural events, and people being raised from the dead. Pretty exciting stuff, if you ask me!

Excuse 3: “I can’t understand it.” Truth: The Bible can be intimidating at times. It speaks of events that are unexplainable, in language that isn’t always easy to decipher. However, when you approach the study of God’s Word with a true desire to learn, the Lord will give you insight and understanding.

Excuse 4: “It’s not relevant to my life.” Truth: Even though the Bible was written thousands of years ago, it still speaks to our circumstances today. Its truth is unchanging and eternal.

Excuse 5: “I don’t get anything out of it.” Truth: To get something out of the Bible, you have to read it with an open mind and heart. You have to be willing to listen to what God is saying, then learn to apply His truth to the specific situations in your life.

If your relationship with the Lord seems stagnant, it’s probably because you aren’t increasing your knowledge of the Bible. You can’t grow closer to the Lord apart from his Word. Wayne Cordeiro, author of The Divine Mentor, makes this observation: “Neglecting devotions will cause you more problems, more quickly, than just about anything you can name.” He also says, “Spending unrushed time alone with God in His Word releases a fountain of refreshment from the very core of your being.”

I don’t know about you but that list looks pretty close to my list! But now let me ask you this:

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What do you think are the benefits of daily reading God’s Word?

Again, take a minute and jot those down.

Here are eight really good reasons to read the Bible regularly:

  1. The Bible really is God’s Word to us. - Paul writes that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God …” (2 Timothy 3:16) which means it is breathed out by God, from Him to you and me. If you want to hear God speak, pick up the Bible, read and listen!

  2. The Bible shows us who God is - The Bible provides both examples and statements about who God is. In Genesis we see is all powerful Creator of the world, in Exodus we see is a deliverer, in Leviticus we see that He is holy and righteous, in Joshua we see He is powerful and mighty, in the gospels we see His love, judgement, forgiveness, and grace all meet in the person of Jesus, in the epistles we see His practical guidance for our lives, in Revelation we see what we have to look forward to when Christ returns. We need to hear and be reminded daily of who God is and what He has done, is doing, and is going to do on our behalf.

  3. The Bible demonstrates to us why Jesus is so important - Colossians 1:15-20 says, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.”

  4. The Bible nourishes us in our Christian walk - Jesus said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4). We don’t just need physical bread to sustain us, we also need spiritual food to sustain us. Without we become spiritual sick.

  5. The Bible makes us discerning and wise - Psalm 119:9 says, “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.” And 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

  6. The Bible equips and strengthens us to do battle with our flesh, the world, and Satan - Ephesians 6:17 says, “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”

  7. The Bible fills us with hope - Romans 15:4 says, “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.”

  8. The Bible is full of extraordinary promises to the Church - A person would never know or be reminded of the extraordinary promises God has made without reading His Word. Promises about forgiveness, peace, joy, wisdom, and guidance.

So how can you move from making excuses to receiving the benefits of reading God’s Word? I’m glad you asked! We wrote a special post to answer just that question and it contains easy to follow steps to help you be more consistent and get more out of your time in God’s Word.

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How to Celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior


Forty days of Lent is drawing to a close; we are walking through Holy Week and are about to arrive at the biggest celebration of the Church Year, Easter Sunday! But Easter isn't just one lone day at the end of weeks of fasting, prayer, and reflection. Easter Sunday kicks off the season of Easter, which lasts 50 days until Pentecost Sunday.

In the cycle of the Church Year, seasons of fasting are followed by seasons of feasting. So how can we press into a season of feasting and celebrating our Savior's resurrection for the next 50 days? Here are several ideas; hopefully you can find a couple that will work for you and your family this year!

Easter Sunday

It's a celebration, so let's party! A party looks different depending on the person, house and family you come from, but a party usually incorporates the five senses. There might be music, some fun activities, almost always good food, and maybe even some decorations. Think about how you want to celebrate Christ's resurrection tomorrow; maybe it's a playlist of Easter worship and hymns that you put on first thing in the morning, or your grandma's famous coffee cake for breakfast. It might be a special meal for dinner, or a banner that says "He is Risen!" You might want to fill your house with Easter lilies, yellow daffodils and pink tulips. Of all the days to go all out on a celebration, Resurrection Sunday is the day!

Even though we will be in our homes for worship services this year, we can still continue the sense of celebration by dressing up in our Easter best. If you have something white, you might want to wear it to remind yourself of your baptism and the new life we have in Christ! 

The Week Following Easter

We can keep following Jesus' footsteps even beyond Holy Week. Here are two recommendations for you to try sometime during the week after Easter Sunday:

1. Fish for Breakfast

Read the beautiful story in John 21, where Jesus appears to the disciples and makes them fish and bread for breakfast. Yes, the resurrected Christ cooks breakfast for a bunch of fishermen! After you read this passage, go ahead and eat some fish for breakfast! Baked white fish with eggs and toast could be a place to start, but if you have a fire pit, wrap some fish in foil and make it really authentic. Or if fish for breakfast just isn't your thing, try going fishing after reading this passage. 

2. Take an "Emmaus Walk"

Read Luke 24:13-35, and then take a walk with a neighbor, friend or your family and discuss a topic from Scripture, or talk about what it would have been like to be these followers of Jesus having this conversation on the road.

The Season of Easter

Here are some ideas for keeping the joy and celebration of the resurrection before us in the 50 days of Eastertide:

1. Listen to Easter music. 

Use a playlist like this one or pick a different Easter hymn/song to learn each week during this season. You could sing this song every morning after breakfast or each night after dinner.

2. Keep your Easter decor up until Pentecost. 

If you have a cross you could drape it with a white cloth, or maybe you want to make or purchase a special sign or banner that says," He Lives!" or "He is Risen!" to keep out during the season of Easter.

3. Party every week!

Pick a certain day of the week and plan a party on that day every week of Eastertide! It doesn't have to be complicated-you could have a Blue Bell ice cream party, a water balloon party, an Easter music jam session (if you're the musical type!), a game of hide and seek (read John 20:19 and talk about how the disciples went into hiding after Jesus' crucifixion), or a movie night (Maybe something like Ben Hur (1959) or Jesus of Nazareth (1977), or another family favorite. Be sure to preview before showing to your kids!).

4. Make or buy a special candle to remind you of the resurrection, and light it at breakfast or dinner each day during the season of Easter. Try this DIY idea

5. Join Natalie every Monday of Eastertide for an Easter themed children's book read aloud on our YouTube channel: