
The Two Comings of Christ - Cyril of Jerusalem

We preach not one advent only of Christ, but a second also, far more glorious than the former. For the former gave a view of His patience; but the latter brings with it the crown of a divine kingdom. For all things, for the most part, are twofold in our Lord Jesus Christ…. In His former advent, He was wrapped in swaddling clothes in the manger; in His second, He covers Himself with light as with a garment. In His first coming, He endured the Cross, despising shame (Hebrews 12:2); in His second, He comes attended by a host of Angels, receiving glory. We rest not then upon His first advent only, but look also for His second. And as at His first coming we said, Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord , so will we repeat the same at His second coming; that when with Angels we meet our Master, we may worship Him and say, Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord. The Savior comes, not to be judged again, but to judge them who judged Him; He who before held His peace when judged , shall remind the transgressors who did those daring deeds at the Cross, and shall say, These things have you done, and I kept silence. Then, He came because of a divine dispensation, teaching men with persuasion; but this time they will of necessity have Him for their King, even though they wish it not.

Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lecture 15

Sanctity of Human Life

- Sanctity of Human Life -

On January 22, 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a presidential proclamation designating January 22nd as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. On this weekend, churches and life organizations across the United States seek to bring awareness and support to the most vulnerable humans - the unborn. As Christians we believe every human being is created in the image of God and worthy of respect, dignity, and the freedom to life. Next Sunday (23rd) we will take time to observe this day. 

So what is the current situation of abortions in the Unites States?  We give praise for the passage of the recent Heart Beat Law in Texas (here is an article I wrote reflecting on its significance) and that the rates across the United States are at historic lows! Praise God! And yet sadly there were still over 600,000 abortion in the United States this last year. Our response to this high death toll among the most vulnerable should be one of  1) prayer, 2) advocacy and education, 3) supporting the young mothers and fathers by any means possible, 4) serving in the foster care system, 5) adopting and supporting families who adopt, and 6) sharing the good news of God's grace and forgiveness over all sins. 

One of the major ways we can be people of life is by supporting local pregnancy advocacy organizations who daily reach women and families with messages of hope, life, and healing. Here is a list of such organization here in San Antonio:

Pregnancy Advocacy Organizations in San Antonio

You may not be called to volunteer in these organizations on a regularly basis but still desire to help be part of the movement, January and February are wonderful months to do just that. Below are 8 ways you can get involved this month in the cause of supporting mothers, fathers, and the unborn.

Ways to Get Involved:

  1. Join the march for life in downtown San Antonio or in Austin on January 21st at 1pm -

  2. Sign-up to pray in front of Planned Parenthood during the 40 Days of Life (March 2 - April 10) -

  3. Assemble Bags that are handed out to women considering abortions with information to help them make an informed decision (Every-other Monday at 12:15pm and every-other Thursday at 1pm) -

  4. Become a Sidewalk Advocate -

  5. Volunteer at one of the above clinics

  6. Volunteer and support the Foster Care system (see below)

  7. Support adoption with your time and resources either by prayerfully considering adopting, supporting families that adopt, or directly supporting adoption organizations.

  8. Volunteer at Boysville -

Foster Care and Adoption
Throughout history Christians have sought to follow Christ's command to care for the least by being on the front lines of caring for the sick by opening hospitals, caring for the elderly by opening care homes, and caring for the orphaned by opening orphanages and adopting. It is an uncontested fact of history that each of these three have been spearheaded and run by Christians from the first century onward. Even in our own time, consider that while there are 11 Planned Parenthood clinics that provide abortions in the State of Texas, there are almost 200 life advocacy organizations which seek to support mothers and fathers by providing support and encouragement as they bring their child into the world. Praise God! If the parents are unable or unwilling to care for their child, all of these will help with connecting them to organization and families that are waiting to adopt.

Adoption and foster care are two other significant means by which Christians can support the most vulnerable. We believe it is a beautiful calling to participate as a foster family and/or adopt a child who would otherwise be left in the foster system. Let me ask you, have you ever prayerfully considered serving as a foster family or adopting? If not, I encourage you to take some time to consider if God may be calling you to become a family for a child currently without one.

Currently in the US there are over 400,000 children in the foster care system and roughly 1/4th of those are awaiting a family to adopt them.

Here are some wonderful local organizations engaged in this work:

Local Foster Care & Adoption Organizations:

In all this we seek to extend the grace and forgiveness Christ offers to the broken, ashamed, and grieving. There is no sin too great that it cannot be cleansed by the blood of Christ Jesus. No sin too great. We do not gather to cast stones, for our Lord said "let him who is guiltless cast the first stone" and all walked away. Christ, the only one who is sinless and who has the only right to cast a stone, doesn't. Rather, he offers grace and forgiveness to all who come to him. Perhaps you have felt guilt and shame for your part in an abortion. Hear this good news - Christ does not condemn you but wants to embrace you and shower his love and forgiveness on you!

The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!

Pastor Matthew