God is a Promise Keeper

As we start our series in Exodus we see that God is a promise keeper in whom we can rely.

Exodus 1-2:10


God is our Deliverer

God takes us from our exile through exodus

Exodus 2:11-25


an Encounter with God

How can we experience the living God?

Exodus 3:1-22


Service to God

God uses us, even when we feel weak and unworthy.

Exodus 4:1-17


No God But God

God utterly destroys every false Egyptian “god” and shows us that we are to trust and rest only in Him.

Exodus 7-10


The passover

The central event of the Exodus typifies the central event of human history: Jesus Christ our passover lamb.

Exodus 12-13


New birth and Dragon Slaying

As Israel is born and the dragon of Egypt is slain we see how God works in our lives to deliver us and our proper response is worship.

Exodus 13:17-15:21


Our Daily Bread

In three stories from Exodus we see how God was and is Jehovah Jirah, our God who provides.

Exodus 15:22-17:7


No Lone Ranger Christians

A healthy community of faith is defined mutual encouragement and support. You can’t go it alone.

Exodus 17:8-18:27


Only a HOly God

Rightly seeing the holiness of God will lead us to reverence and deeper faith in Jesus.

Exodus 19:1-25



The law is good but can’t save. Christ is good and can save. Are you following another gospel?

Exodus 20:1:21


The Making of a people

The blood of the covenant makes God’s people.

Exodus 24


When Heaven Comes to Earth PART I

The Tabernacle shows God’s desire is to dwell with us.

Exodus 25, 27-28, 30


When Heaven Comes to Earth PART II

From Creation until now God seeks to bring Heaven to earth.

Exodus 25


Jesus Our High priest

We need a mediator before God and our Mediator is Jesus Christ

Exodus 28-29


Unholy Cow

Idolatry is not just a physical object but a condition of the heart.

Exodus 32


Honor your Word

God renews the covenant with His people which hints at the new covenant to come.

Exodus 33-34


Our Exodus

Pastor Matthew Ballmann wraps up our series on Exodus and show how the story of Exodus is our story.